My day begins early, with the alarm going off @ 5:35. I get up and shower, and am ready to dry my hair by 6:15. I run to Ds's room to make sure he's up, and get him into bed to snuggle with Daddy. He gets up @ 6:20 and if they don't get 5 min together before the start of the day, it's trouble.
I'm dressed and downstairs by 6:25 to start my coffee & put away clean dishes from the night before. Back upstairs by 6:30 to iron Dh's shirt, and ensure Ds is getting himself dressed. Everyone downstairs by 6:40 to kiss Daddy good-bye, and we gather up our stuff, and leave the house @ 6:50. I always leave the house with my purse, backpack, and laptop. Ds has his milk cup, breakfast, and his go-gee (his second-in-command blanket).
We travel 40min to work, up a very boring stretch of highway, but there is no traffic. Arrive @ work @ 7:30, and bring in all of our things, and start reading books, playing, or unloading the dishwasher.
We leave @ 5ish, and drive the 40min back home, this is usually the time I spend on the phone visiting with my family. Ds gets Sesame Street after we get to our house, while I make dinner, scramble to put a load of wash in the washing machine, have dinner, give Ds a bath, and to bed.
We've been going to this family's house for 2 1/2 years, my car has felt the abuse, and the drive isn't getting any more interesting. Ds is ready for a new challange, and I'm ready for it to be just me & Ds for the upcoming summer. It might be time to move on
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