Thursday, March 11, 2010


My son has been a "blanket baby" since he was just about 3 months old. I'm not sure when the exact day was that he picked his favorite, but it has not wavered in the last 4 years. He was offered pacifiers, and small stuff animals, but when his crib was full of different types of blankets, he picked this chenille one with a satin tag, and it was all over.

We don't know where the term "gee" came into place, when ds started talking, he named his favorite blanket, Gee. Now, it is more of an umbrella term, all blankets are "gees". For a while, ds had a couple of other gee's, Pink & Yellow, Rabbit, and we had to get a replica of Gee, which is named Go-Gee. Again, a name that he picked out, and we just caught on. We didn't know where that name came from, until just recentlly. We were getting ready to go somewhere, and ds said, "that Gee goes, let's bring Go-Gee".

Gee is a much loved blanket, with Taggie as the best part. Ds used to chew on the satin tag, so now it is gray, and crinkled all together. Taggie, as it's now called, is still gray, no matter how much I wash it. The threads are all stretched around Taggie, since that is the handle of Gee, and where it gets pulled on the most. Often, when I come in to kiss his sleeping face goodnight, he has Taggie clutched in his hand. Dh & I have told ds that he doesn't have to share Gee, and especially not Taggie.

All morning, he'll play with his Gee. He cuddles with it in our bed, sits on it when he's playing cars on the floor, wrapps it around himself, and pretends to wear a "Gee-shirt". We have had to start putting Gee away, so that he doesn't have it all-day-long, because he would. And ds's favorite thing is to snuggle with me, or Dad, and Gee. I remember my special blanket, and when it went up to "blanket heaven" as my mom said. My younger brother wore his blanket out, and I wonder if ds will do that. We're not looking to get rid of Gee any time soon, and I'm happy about that.

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