We had a breakthrough this morning, Ds (darling son) and I. We've had these through the years, and I'm fortunate enough to say that I've gotten to witness them, since he doesn't attend a daycare. Learing where to show me his parts of his face are, first words, learning colors, the list goes on and on. All things that verify to me, as his mom and teacher, that I am getting through to him. There is a brain in there and that things are connecting and we are growing as a person.
So this morning, Ds and I were getting ready to leave the house, and I was flipping through my cookbook on top of the stove. Ds was standing beside me, talking to me about our day, his breakfast, then he starts "o-0-f-f-f" (the short "o" sound as in octupus, followed by lots of "f" sounds), then he does it again, then it clicks. "OFF!!" he says. He was pointing to the word on the stove dial, and saw what the letters were, then just sounded it out by himself! I am amazed!! We've been working on our letter program, LetterOfTheWeek, for the last 6 months, and have just been trying to put short words together. Now I know that it's actually working!! whoo hooo!!! Together he and I did a happy dance in the kitchen, and went right to trying to read the word "front". We got through that one OK, but that's fine, I've achieved breakthrough, and now the train of reading has started.
woo hoo little man! Those moments are far more rewarding to my soul than any certificate or recognized achievement ever was.