For the new year, Baby J is 4 months old. These means prime baby-fat play time. Lots of smiles, squishy baby cheeks, and almost sitting up. This also means introduction of the SPOON, and another round of shots. Believe it or not, but we have to teach children to swallow solids. They have to get used to the feeling of soft solids in their mouth, and understand that this new food will be replacing their warm soft bottle. My son was not interested in this new phase. He would eat about 4 bites of cereal, then be done. No thank you for mashed potatoes, applesauce, purred bananas -nope. For Baby J, we'll see. She hasn't figured it out enough to say "no" to me, but it's just the 2ed day. I was able to get her to eat her whole tablespoon of cereal for lunch, but she didn't want anything to do with the rest of her bottle of formula.
Baby J also had her 4 month shots yesterday, on top of already not feeling great. These 2 issues leads to a pretty fussy baby who really just needs to be snuggled in, and put to bed. After I suctioned her nose again, and got some mega boogies, I wrapped her up and she instantly took a deep breath and went to sleep.
this is what I day at a time
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