I view successes however I can, a "good job" on a homework page, a smile at recognition, or sleeping. Yes, I said sleeping.
I am now caring for a 2 month old, she's about 11 weeks old now, and her life revolves around being awake, and asleep. How much she's awake will start to change over the next few months, but right now, we're weening off 4 naps a day, to 3 and then down to 2. So, how many naps she has during the day directly reflects how I'm doing on the job. Am I able to get her to sleep? for how long? is she happy when she's awake? is she able to put herself to sleep, or do I have to help her? Except when she sleeps TOO much, and is awake during the night for her parents. -oops--
It's fabulous for me that she slept today for 2 1/2 hrs, and that I had to wake her up!