We have 4 days left in Charlotte, before we relocate to Dallas, TX. This, in itself is not news, just the impact that those remaining days is having on our family. I have been preparing ds for sometime now on the move. He's over it. He knows we're going to be staying between my parent's house, and my brother's house, fine with him. He knows that we're not going to come back to this house, he knows that we have to travel for 2 days. Fine by him. Good, right? I've done my job by preparing him, reading books, and talking about the new adventure we're going to be having.
So when Dh came home yesterday, wearing stress in his eyes, I was caught off guard. I thought he might have just been busy at the hotel. I learned, long ago, to just let him tell me what's going on, and not to hover. He finally told me he was not prepared to have his replacement sitting in his chair, talking to his friends, taking over his office. It was like someone was taking possession over his creation. He stated, "It wasn't mine" in that final voice which all men have. I offered him the camera so he could take pictures of his staff, and his properties, but he politely declined. As gently as I could, I told him it was OK for him to feel this way, and he was entitled to have a little sadness when it came to leaving. I hope he realizes this.
Me, on the other hand, is ready to jump in with both feet! I have interviews set up with 2 nanny agencies for next week. I've researched where I'll need to get CPR certified, and have a YMCA in mind where I can take ds for swim lessons. I've taken pictures of the house, so I can look back and remember how proud I am of all the work we've put into this. We met with our nanny boy yesterday and had our final play date. The mom even got tears in her eyes when we were leaving (caught me totally by surprise). I'm READY for this new chapter. Sure, I'm sad when I think about my friends, my relationships, and all of the things I've had to donate to friends because we can't move certain things. But all together, I'm a planner, and I've been planning this for awhile, and have a plan for the next year, and I finally have a 5 year plan, it's exciting to me to be on the edge of the diving board, getting ready to jump in!